Sara Witty Sara Witty

Tiny Envelopes

…of space and time curling in on each other in more dimensions than can be imagined without the human mind stuttering and coming to a halt under the strain….

Or of paper. You know. Like normal envelopes that are in no way harbingers of the uncanny or unsettling. Just stationary.

(Paper and Gouache on Paper)

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Sara Witty Sara Witty


Is not my strong suit. For the last 5 years I have successfully resisted the urge to knock out smokers on the sidewalk and steal their cigarettes, but put me in the proximity of a baroque idea and I can't resist.

(Partially Tooled Leather; remnants of stencil dye)

This fucking thing was supposed to be a bag flap with a painted dragon on the bottom. Now it’s scales and a tooled dragon.

(In Progress Tooled Leather)

This would all go so much more smoothly if I were any good at it.

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Sara Witty Sara Witty

Stencil + Pattern

(Stencil Ink on Leather; Pencil on Paper)

I got a messenger bag pattern from Tandy for Christmas last year and then worked on a million other projects instead of putting it together. I'm not doing anything super fancy to it, just adding the dragon design and scales for the front flap. The rest I’ll dye brown.

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Sara Witty Sara Witty

Two Things...

…neither impressive.

The first is a sketch for the number design on the next journal.

(Pencil on Paper)

The second is the absolute failure of the transfered stencil on the cover of the next journal. Which I did not take a picture of because the image didn’t transfer and there’s nothing to look at except a big ole piece of red leather.

On the bright side! I learned that brush cleaner works quite well to wash leather. Hurrah.

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Sara Witty Sara Witty

Once More, With Ox Blood

…and royal blue and turquoise.

(Leather Dye on Leather)

I’m finishing up transfering the stencil to what will be the cover.

Which is why I’m finishing up all the color tests.

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