The Evolution of a Book

(Leather, Paper, Glue; all the bits that make up a book)

This little book started out as a test project for my next journal, which is significantly larger. I prefer to use long-stitch binding for journals because it results in pages that lie flat, but that limits the kinds of designs I can create. Because I'm not a very gifted bookbinder, I needed to test an idea I had for hiding the binding with this small version before moving to the final piece.

In Heideggerian parlance, my usual journals are three kinds of things: two kinds of equipment and art, simultaneously. When they’re just sitting around, they’re books and art. When they’re at hand, they can pass for art, books, or weapons, depending on who’s holding them and how quickly they’re moving through space. Because the journals are enormous and heavy, human beings could lose their lives if their squishy little temples came into swift contact with the corner of one of those monstrosities.

For some reason (probably the same reason why I naturally overcomplicate everything unless it’s related to my appearance, which I undercomplicate to a degree that indicates either an egregious inability to understand my reality as a living human being in a world, or an admirable spirit of ethereal holiness untainted by the base physical plane), I decided I wanted something soft, flexible, and light for my next journal. Even if it cut back on my available melee weapons. Hence the little test guy. I figured I'd give him to someone when I was done mucking about.

But then I realized that if I split some of the pages into quarters for very small drawings and added flags to the already sewn signatures, I would have plenty of drawing space for 365.

(Gluing in the flags)

Flag books are traditionally made with accordian-style bindings, so these aren’t authentic flags. They’re more structural elements, which I think make the book a bit like a labyrinth. Resulting in the best kind of book. Another way that books are like buildings.

I got all the extra flags glued in and made and attached the strap. It’s a sweet and simple book. When it’s open, it looks pretty normal.

Unless you unfold all the flags…

…at which point it looks fucking insane.

Like a book suddenly forgot how many dimensions it was supposed to transmit information through, exploded up through a variety of unknown and incomprehensible layers of reality, and then crystallized back into the average three.

It’s perfect.

And now “fucking with the book” is officially a category for my 365.


The Dragon's Progress


The Bert