Portraits of the Bert

(Digital, drawn on my phone)

When we stay with my mom for holidays, the Bert and I sleep in a guest room with two double beds. Normally in absolute opposition to even the suggestion of snuggling, he will always attempt to share this tiny bed with me at one point or another.

The above picture is him at the foot of the bed, while I scrunched up at the top trying to draw him while not moving or getting my feet anywhere near him. The below picture is him when fully stretched out on his very own bed. I actually suspect he only wants to lie on my bed because he’s offended that his bed has a cover on it.

I'm not sure what the actual time was, but maybe 30 mins for each sketch? A dog is a terrible model. He’ll only hold a position for about 10 minutes before he moves. Just another way that dogs mock what you think is sacred. Deep, impressive portrait? Not on my watch, buddy.

(Digital, drawn on my phone)


Time's Inevitability Crushes Us All

